Center Cap for Uflex V26 Steering Wheel.
Center Cap for Uflex V26 Steering Wheel.
Average rating 10 out of 10
( based on 1
review )

U-flex V26 steering wheel center cap
The center cap I received is different than the photo. The cap is all polished Stainless steel. The center that shows gray in the photo is also highly polished stainless steel. Instead of saying U-Flex it has the U-Flex bars in the middle of it. It is different than the photo but really sharp looking. I needed a new center cap to replace my missing cap and I couldn't be more pleased with this product. When I contacted Boating Solutions the cap was not part of their inventory. They contacted U-Flex and within days had the cap for me at what I thought was a great price. Boating Solutions is a great Marine Store to purchase from. I am very pleased with this purchase