B184Merc 39773 D Mercury Side Mount Controls With Trim and Includes K35 Connection Kit
The B184M Flush side mount control with power trim is Particularly suitable for dual-action control to operate both throttle and shift. This control replaces all Mercury and Mercruiser flush side mount controls. The B184 includes the Mercury K35 connection kit required for Mercury engine control cables. Suitable for any type of boats with outboard, Inboard or I/O power plants. Features: Enables easy and safe shifting by preventing accidental gear engagement unless engine is idling. Can be installed horizontally or vertically, on the starboard or port side of the boat. This assembly is made of painted marine aluminum. Pull out handle disengages shift for warm up. Neutral safety switch prevents in gear starting. All models are provided with positive lock-in neutral to prevent accidental gear engagement. For use with Ultraflex engine control cables except C22 or C4. Ultraflex C5 and C16 cables require K35 - 34730 U connection Kit. B184MERC Control includes K35 connection kit.
B184Merc 39773 D Mercury Side Mount Controls With Trim and Includes K35 Connection Kit
Single lever / dual action control to operate both throttle and shift. Suitable for any type of boats with outboard, inboard or I/O power plants. Features: Enables easy and safe shifting by preventing accidental gear engagement unless engine is idling Can be installed horizontally or vertically, on the starboard or port side of the boat Provided with a brake tension release system adjustable from outside Pull-out handle disengages shift for warm-up Includes X12 neutral safety switch which prevents in-gear starting
Exceeds EN ISO 11547 standards when X12 safety switch is installed All models are provided with positive lock in neutral to prevent accidental gear engagement B184 and B184CB models are provided with
a power trim switch conveniently located in the handle grip that enables an easy tilting of the engine
For use with: All Ultraflex control cables except C4, C36 and MACH36 - Mercury®\ current BRP® (OMC®) \ Yamaha® \ Suzuki® Honda® \ Volvo® style cables - 33C style cables Ultraflex C5, C16, MACH5 and Mercury® cables require K35 - 34730 U connection kit included with this controler. Ultraflex C22 and C23 cables require KB1 - 39964 L connection kit